Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First and Last Day of School Posters (Editable)

     I created some super cute posters for the First Day of School this year! My kiddos LOVED them so much that they still have them taped to their bedroom doors. I took some of the best pictures with their posters on the First Day of School. This is why I to created an ENTIRE packet of posters to use for many years to come. This packet includes 10 FIRST and 10 LAST day of school posters. They are editable so you can make them your own!

You will start out with a template like the one below. Then, add text in the text boxes and print. I printed mine at my local UPS for only 98 cents! I have provided links so you can download the fonts I used OR choose your own.
Here are a few more samples of some finished products!
(Thanks to my sweet daughter for posing with every single one! She loved it!)
You can grab the entire packet from my TPT store here!
You can grab the entire packet from my EDUCENTS store here!

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